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医学细胞生物学(Medical Cell Biology)

定 价:¥119.00

作 者: 易岚
出版社: 郑州大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564559946 出版时间: 2021-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 其他 页数: 342 字数:  


  《医学细胞生物学》(Medical Cell Biology)主要内容包括细胞生物学的研究方法,细胞概述,细胞膜,细胞连接和细胞外基质,内膜系统,核糖体,线粒体,细胞骨架,中心粒鞭毛与纤毛,细胞核,细胞的生长和增殖,细胞分化,细胞衰老和死亡以及细胞工程等。


暂缺《医学细胞生物学(Medical Cell Biology)》作者简介


Chapter 1 Introduction to Cell and Cell Biology
1.1 Introduction to Cell Biology
1.2 The Summary of the Cell
Chapter 2 Method and Technology for Cell Biology
2.1 Microscopy
2.2 Cell Culture
2.3 Fractionation of Cellular Components
2.4 Model Organisms
2.5 Technique for Gene Engineering
2.6 Cell Engineering
2.7 Genomics Technology
Chapter 3 Cell Membrane
3.1 Chemical Composition of'Membrane
3.2 Characteristics of Cell Membranes
3.3 Models of Membrane Structure
3.4 Transport of Substances Across Membrane
3.5 Membrane and Disease
Chapter 4 Endomembrane System
4.1 Endoplasmic Reticulum
4.2 The Golgi Complex
4.3 The Lysosomes
4.4 Vesicular Transport
4.5 Peroxisomes
Chapter 5 Mitochondrion
5.1 The Basic Character of Mitochondria
5.2 Oxidative Phosphorylation and Energy Change
5.3 Mitochondria and Diseases
Chapter 6 Ribosome
6.1 The Structure and Function of Ribosome
6.2 Polyribosome and Protein Synthesis
Chapter 7 Cytoskeleton
7.1 Microtubules
7.2 Microfilaments
7.3 Intermediate Filaments
7.4 Cytoskeleton and Diseases
Chapter 8 Nucleus and Chromosome
8.1 The Structure of Nucleus
8.2 The Function of Nucleus
8.3 The Nucleus and Diseases
Chapter 9 Cell Signaling
9.1 Basic Concept Elaboration
9.2 Intracellular Receptor-mediated Signal Transduction
9.3 G Protein-coupled Receptors-mediated Signahransduction
9.4 Catalytic Receptor-mediated Signal Transduction
9.5 Signal Integration and Control
Chapter 10 Cell Cycle
10.1 An Overview of the Cell Cycle
10.2 Interphase
10.3 Stages of Mitosis
10.4 Stages of Meiosis
10.5 Regulation of the Cell Cycle
10.6 Role of the Cell Cycle in Tumor Tormation
Chapter 11 Cell Differentiation and Stem Cells
11.1 Cell Differentiation
11.2 Cancer
11.3 Stem Cell
Chapter 12 Cellular Aging and Apoptosis
12.1 Cellular Aging
12.2 Cell Death
