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定 价:¥72.00

作 者: James Spada 著
出版社: 中国科学技术大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780312285654 出版时间: 2004-12-01 包装: 精装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  She is beloved worldwide for her effervescent smile and the way she lights up the screen in movies like "Erin Brokovich", "Mona Lisa's Smile" and, of course, "Pretty Woman." But Julia Roberts's real life has only been glimpsed in the tabloids until now. Acclaimed biographer James Spada has created a rich and exhaustively researched portrait of Julia as both an actress and as a woman. Spada went back to Julia's parents' beginnings in Georgia to unearth fascinating facts about her dysfunctional family background, her troubled childhood, and her early dating life. What he discovered may explain why Julia moved through her twenties and early thirties seemingly falling for a new co-star on every movie set. And Spada's interpretation of those romances-from the whirlwind last minute cancellation of her marriage to Kiefer Sutherland and the brooding intensity of her relationship with Jason Patric to to the sunnier and healthier long liaison with Benjamin Bratt-is juicy and fascinating reading.Julia offers fresh details about all the star's famous movies to uncover an intensely dedicated but deeply insecure artist. After rising to superstardom at twenty-two Julia endured the onslaught of paparazzi along with her very public string of failed relationships, rumors of drug addiction, and clashes with big-name directors like Herbert Ross and Steven Spielberg. She fled Hollywood for two years, made her first "comeback" at the tender age of twenty-five, then took on a series of risky roles in movies that flopped. For the last six years, she has delighted audiences in a string of smash hits and topped the Hollywood heap as the highest paid actress in history.Julia shows how the star has grown from a skittish girl moving through volatile relationships with charismatic co-stars to become an assured woman making her own bold-and often controversial-decisions about how to life her life.Julia is as lively and vivacious as the star it explores. You will not be able to put it down.


  James Spada is a writer and photographer whose nineteen books have included bestselling biographies of Grace Kelly, Peter Lawford, Bette Davis and Barbra Streisand. Spada has also created pictorial biographies of John and Caroline Kennedy, Ronald Reagan a


PROLOGUE: March 25, 200
PART ONI:: The Robertses oF Atlanta
PART TWO: Pits and Starts
PART THREE: This Year's Gir
PART FOUR: Leave It and Lovett
PART FIVE: Golden Men
PART SIX: Mrs. Moder
