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MySpace 傻瓜书

定 价:¥198.00

作 者: Ryan Hupfer 著
出版社: John Wiley & Sons
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780470095294 出版时间: 2007-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  MySpace is the place to connect with friends online and this book helps you make the most of it. Here's how to customize your profile so it stands out in a crowd, create or join groups, send event invites, share photos, steer clear of bad guys, and even show off your talents or get your band discovered! Discover how to;Set up your account and profile;Add photos and music;Use MySpace safety tools;Find friends and keep in touch;Market your talent;Personalize your profile.


暂缺《MySpace 傻瓜书》作者简介


Part I: MySpace Overview and Basics.
 Chapter 1: Diving into the MySpace Pool.
 Chapter 2: Enlisting in the MySpace Army.
 Chapter 3: Staying Safe on MySpace.
Part II: The MySpace Community.
 Chapter 4: Friending the MySpace Way.
 Chapter 5: Staying in Touch via MySpace.
 Chapter 6: Blogging on MySpace.
 Chapter 7: Keeping Up with MySpace.
 Chapter 8: Staying on Schedule with MySpace.
 Chapter 9: Getting In with the In-Crowd.
Part III: Customizing MySpace.
 Chapter 10: Your MySpace Photo Album.
 Chapter 11: Sound and Movies.
 Chapter 12: Customizing Your MySpace Page.
Part IV: Capturing Your Audience.
 Chapter 13: Marketing the MySpace Way.
 Chapter 14: Rockin’ in the MySpace World.
 Chapter 15: Finding Your Place on MySpace.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
 Chapter 16: Ten MySpace Tools for Staying Safe.
 Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Keep Away from MySpace Bad Guys.
 Chapter 18: Ten MySpace Resources.
 Chapter 19: Ten Other Social Networking Sites.
