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当前位置: 首页AG亚游科学技术计算机/网络认证与等级考试Java认证Java2认证考试学习指南:英文原版


定 价:¥72.00

作 者: (美)Simon Roberts,(美)Philip Heller,(美)Michael Ernest著
出版社: 电子工业出版社
丛编项: 专业认证考试丛书
标 签: Java认证考试


ISBN: 9787505363458 出版时间: 2000-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 669 字数:  






   Part I The Programmer's Exam
   Chapter 1 Language Fundamentals
   Source Files
   Keywords and Identifiers
   Primitive Data bees
   boolean Literals
   char Literals
   IntegraI Literals
   Floating--Point Literals
   String Literals
   Class Fundamentals
   The mairt() Method
   Variables and Initialization
   Argument Passing
   Garbage Collection
   Chapter Summary
   Test Yourself
   Chapter 2 Operators and Assignments
   Evaluation Order
   The Unary Operators
   The Increment and Decrement Operators: ++ and --
   The Unary Plus and Minus Operators: + and -
   The Bitwise Inversiori Operator: ~
   The Boolean Complement Operator: !
   The Cast Operator: (type)
   The Arithmetic Operators
   The Multiplication and Division Operators: * and /
   The Modulo Operator: %
   The Addition and Subtraction Operators: + and --
   Arithmetic Error Conditions,
   The Shift Operators: >, and >>>
   Fundamentals of Shifting
   Shifting Negative Numbers,
   Reduction of the Right Operand
   Arithmetic Promotion of Operands
   The Comparison Operators
   Ordinal Comparisons with , and >=
   The thetanceof Operator
   The Equality Comparison Operators: == and !=
   The Bitwise Operators: &, ^, and l
   Boolean Operations
   The Short-Circuit Logical Operators
   The Conditional Operator: ?:
   The Assignment Operators
   An Assgument Has Value
   Chapter Summary
   The Unary Operators
   The Arithmetic Operators
   The Shift Operators
   The Bitwise Operators
   The Assignment Operators
   Test Yourself
   Chapter 3 Modmers
   Modifier Ovefview
   The Access Modifiers
   Subclasses and Method Privacy
   Summary of Access Modes
   Other Modifiers
   Static Initializers
   Modifiers and Features
   Chapter Summary
   Test Yourself
   Chapter 4 Converting aud Casting
   ExPlicit and Implicit toe Changes
   Primltives and Conversion
   Primitive Conversion: Assignment
   Assignment Conversion, Little Primitives, and Literal Values
   Primitive Conversion: Method Call
   Primitive Conversion: Arithmetic Promotion
   Primitives and Casting
   Object Reference Conversion
   Object Reference Assignment Conversion
   Object Method--Call Conversion
   Object Reference Casting
   Chapter Summary
   Test Yourself
   Chapter 5 Flow Coutrol and Exceptious
   The Loop Constructs
   The while() Loop
   The do Loop
   The for() Loop
   The break and conttnue Statements in Loops
   The Selection Statements
   The if()/else Construct
   The switch() Construct
   Flow of Control in Exception Conditions
   Throwing Exceptions
   Chapter Summary
   Loop Constructs
   Selection Statements
   Flow in Exception Handling
   Exception Throwing
   Test Yourself
   Chapter 6 Objects and Classes
   Benefits of Object--Oriented Implementation
   Abstract Data Types
   Implementing Object--Oriented Relationships
   Overioading and Overriding
   Overloading Method Names
   Method Overriding
   Constructors and Subclassing
   Overloading Constructors
   Inner Classes
   The Enclosing this Reference and Construction of Inrier Classes
   Member Classes
   Classes Defined Inside Methods
   Chapter Summary
   Object-Oriented Design and Implementation
   Overloading and Overriding
   Constructors and Subclassing
   lnner Classes
   Test Yourself
   Cbapter 7 Threads
   Thread Fundamentals
   What a Thread Executes
   When Executlon Ends
   Thread States
   Thread Priorities
   Controlling Threads
   Monitor States
   Scheduling Implementations
   Monitors, wait(), and notify()
   The Object Lock and Synchronization
   wait() and natify()
   The Class Lock
   Beyond the Pure Model
   Strange Ways to Srochronize
   Chapter Summary
   Test Yourself
   Chapter 8 The jasa.lang and java.util Packnges
   The Object Class
   The Math Class
   The Wrapper Classes
   The String Class
   The StrtingBuffer Class
   String Concatenation the Easy Way
   The Collections API
   Collection Types
   Collection Implementations in the API
   Collections and Code Maintenance
   Summary of Collections
   Chapter Summary
   Test Yourself
   Chapter 9 Layout Managers
   Why Java Uses Layout Managers
   How Layout Managers Solve the Problem
   Layout Manager Theory
   Contalners and Components
   Component Size and Position
   Layout Policies
   The Flow Layout Manager
   The Grid Layout Manager
   The Border Layout Manager
   The Card Layout Manager
   The GridBag Layout Manager
   Controlling the Cell Size fOr a Component
   GridBag's Shorthand
   Other Layout Options
   Improving Your Chances
   Chapter Summary
   Test Yourself
   Chapter 1O Events
   Mothation for the Event Delegation Model
   The Event Class Hierarchy
   Semantic Events
   Event Listeners
   ExPlicit Event Enabling
   Action Commands
   Chapter Summary
   Test Yourself
   Cbapter 11 Components
   Components in General
   setForegrourtd() and setBackground()
   setSize() and setBounds()
   The Visual Components
   TextFiesd and TextArea
   The Container Components
   The Menu Components
   Chapter Summary
   Test Yourself
   Chapter 12 Painting
   The Paint() Method and the Graphics Context
   Selecting a Color
   Selecting a Font
   Drawing and Filling
   Painting a Contained Component
   The GUI Thread and the rePaint() Method
   Spontaneous Painting
   The repatnt() Method
   Double Buffering Using Images
   Chapter Summary
   Test Yourself
   Chapter 13 Iuput and Output
   File Input and Output
   Text Representation and UTF
   The File Class
   The RandowtccessFile Class
   Streams, Readers, and Writers
   Low-Level Streams
   High-Level Filter Streams
   Readers and Writers
   Object Streams and Serialization
   Chapter Summary
   Test Yourself
   part II The Developer's Exam
   Chapter 14 Taking the Developer's Exam
   Are You Ready for the Exam?
   Formalities of the Exam
   Downloading the Assignment
   Taking the Follow-up Exam
   What the Assignment Covers
   How the Assignment and Exam Are Graded
   JDK l.2 Specifics
   Cbapter 15 Assignmeut: Room Reservation System
   Structure of the Assignment
   Business Scenario
   Project Specifics
   Code and APIs Provided
   Functional Goals
   Write a User Interface
   Enable Network Access (Client--Server)
   Add Features to an Existing Database
   Other Requirements
   Adhere to Supplied Naming
   Stress Readability
   Usejavadoc-Style Comments
   Chapter 16 Enhancing and Extending tbe Database
   Two--Tier Databases
   Designing a Basic Scheme
   Using Interfaces
   Using Abstract Classes
   Issues in Implementation
   Exception Handling
   Desmp Impediments
   Thread Safety
   Supporting New Features
   Chapter Summary
   Chapter 17 wntiug the Network Protocol
   Client--Server from Scratch
   Server Operation
   Connecting Clients to the Server
   Communications Protocol
   The Client/Request Structure
   Limitations of the Model
   Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
   A Model RMI Transaction
   Implementing RMI
   Limitations of RMI
   More on Threads
   Sharing Threads
   ChaPter Summary
   Cbapter 18 Designing the User 1nterface
   Defining the GUI's Requirements
   Identifying Needed Components
   Sketching the GUI
   Isolating Regions of Behavior
   Choosing Layout Managers
   Using Swing
   Using Layout Managers
   Event Handling and Style
   Event Handling and Threads
   Chapter Summary
   Chapter 19 A Second Example: A Trouble-Ticket System
   More on Exam Requirements
   Assmpment: Build a Trouble-Ticket System
   GUI Development
   Database/Server Development
   Client--Server Logic
   Delivering the Finished Assignment
   Chapter 2O GUI Prototyping
   Events and Properties
   Building a JTable
   Using AbstractTableModel ,
   Building a JTree
   Mnas, JButtons, and Actioris
   Final Thoughts on Code Style '
   Cbapter 21 Bullding the Database Server
   Database Requirements
   Implementing RMI
   Exporting with UnicastRemoteObject
   EXporting an Acttvatable Object
   Record Locking
   Chapter Summary
   Cbapter 22 Connecting Client and Server
   Notification Basics
   Using JavaBean Conventions
   Event Adapters
   Remote Notification
   Using Distributed Notification
   Chapter Summary
   Chapter 23 Preparlng the Upload
   Submission Requirements
   File Structure
   writing the README file
   Using the jar Tool
   Chapter Summary
   Cbapter 24 Thinking About the Follow-Up Exam
   Preparation Questions
   What are the choices for data structures?
   Is implementing Runnable better than extending Thread?
   Isn't comparlng obect serialization to RMI an apples-to-oranges analysis?
   How elaborate should an exception class structure get?
   How many ways can you set up "listener" relationships?
   Which one is best?
   How do I know which layout manager to use?
   Which design patterns are most useful in this
   kind of project? "
   When does it make sense to use protected and default scope?
   Doesn't an abstract class let the developer specify more
   behavior than an interface?
   Chapter Summary "
   Part III Appendices
   Appendix A Answers to Test Yourself Questions
   Appendix B Programmer's Finai Exam
   Appeudix C Using the Test Program
   The Real Test
   The Supporting Instructions
   The Tester
   Running the Tester
   Imposing a Time Limit
   Answering the guestions
   Appendix D The Certification Iuitiative for Enterprise Development
   The Structure of the Initiative
   The Second--Level Exams
   The Common Exam at Level II
   The Vendor-Specific Exams at Level II
   Other Vendor Exams at Level II
   The Third--Level Exams
   The Common Exam at Level IIl
   The Vendor-Specific Exams at Level lII
   Other Vendor Exams at Level III
